Tipsy Dog Designs was founded by Stephanie in 2018 from a need of more foul language in her planner!

We're, like, really freaking happy you're here.
Hi! I'm Stephanie, and I'm the artist and creator behind Tipsy Dog Designs. I joined the planning community in 2015, and like most of us, I quickly became obsessed with all things stationery, sticker, and planner related. #SorryNotSorry, dear husband.
I began creating my own art to pay for all the planner items I HAD to have. It started as side gig for some extra cash and slowly became what it is today, me, proving to my husband that I was right. Stay at home dog mom is a thing and I now I am one. Along with bringing some kick ass stickers to the planning community.

Snarky, Sassy, and a little smartass-y
Let's be clear. Some of our favorite words are of the four letter variety. We specialize in sarcasm and snark...But we're not, like, mean. We like to think of it as cultivating a healthy balance of snark and nice. S'nice, if you will. And you'll *never* catch us taking ourselves too seriously.
We know not everyone wants to drop the F Bomb in their daily planner (even if you may feel like it most Mondays), so we have plenty of PG-rated products too. Whatever your mood, we've got you covered.